Parent Retirement: The annual income requirement and problems of interpretation.

PROBLEMS OF INTERPRETATION: ADDING A GLOSS TO IMMIGRATION INSTRUCTIONS: PARENT RETIREMENT AND THE ANNUAL INCOME REQUIREMENT OF $60K The Immigration and Protection Tribunal (the Tribunal) has in two decisions issued in 2023 incorrectly interpreted F3.5 Parent Retirement Category requirements.  At F3.5.a(v) the Immigration Instructions require the principal applicant to “demonstrate an annual income of at … Read more

Can You Bring The Family?

Can You Bring the Family: A Review of Current Immigration Trends in Family Immigration: New Zealand 1.0 Introduction 1.1 New Zealand has liberal policies relating to those who may be included as dependants in a primary application for residence. Over the last ten years, subsequent sponsorships for family members however, have become more restrictive, unless … Read more